Monday, February 18, 2013

Taking the First Step

About 4 weeks ago I found out I needed to be on a gluten free diet. For months prior I was feeling sick all of the time, low energy, nauseated, throwing up. An 8 hour day at work wore me out, cleaning our little 2 bedroom apartment wore me out, I would fall asleep at 9 o'clock every night. Pregnancy symptoms you may say... every test I took was normal. "I just have the flu" I would tell myself, and my concerned husband. Well, I had "just the flu" every few days. I started keeping a food journal, and tried to determine if it was possibly my diet that was making me sick.
I started eating crackers to help my nausea, but that seemed to make it worse. I decided to look up common food allergies and try to pin point things that I ate daily. Dairy and bread were two things I ate almost daily. I was miserable and decided to try cutting out gluten first to see if that was making me sick.

I downloaded an app on my phone called  find me gluten free I used that when my husband and I would go out to dinner. I told myself I would eat gluten free for at least one week, every meal. I did, this was very hard for me, as before my husband and I were big fast food junkies.
After one week was over I was feeling so much better, better than I had felt in months and I decided to test myself, that night I ate 2 Oreo cookies (my husbands favorite) they had been tempting me all week. About 20-30 minutes after I ate those 2 Oreo's, my stomach starting hurting so bad, I was getting nauseous again. The next morning when my alarm went off to get ready for work, I could barely get out of bed. This is how I knew that I needed to be on a gluten free diet.

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