Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gluten Free Rice Chex

Today I made Gluten Free Rice Chex and I wanted to share the recipe with you.

6 cups Gluten Free Rice Chex
1/4 C. Butter
1 package of mini marshmallows (make sure they are gluten free, I used Kroger brand)

First, melt butter in a large pot, when butter in melted add a bag of mini marshmallows

Stir marshmallows and butter until marshmallows are melted
When marshmallows and smooth and melted add the Rice Chex
I added dark chocolate chips to mine, you could add, dried fruit, butterscotch, nuts, whatever you want.

Mix well, then spread onto a baking pan lined with wax paper and let cool.
Tip: I used a piece of wax paper to spread mine onto the pan since they are sticky.

Let cool and enjoy!


Health Food Store

The health food store was great and the staff was very helpful. Now this was my first time in a health food store, everyone said how these stores are SO expensive.
I found that not to be the case, (or I thought it would be much more) I spent some time wandering the store and looking at all the products, first I picked up some all purpose flour, as well as rice cakes and some granola. I love putting peanut butter on rice cakes, and I haven't ever bought any gluten free flour, so we will see if it is any good.

Here are my items from the gluten free store.

All three of these items only cost me $20 dollars. I will definitely be going back.

Health Food Store

Today is my day off, which means its grocery store day. I found a coupon for a health food store that sells gluten free products. I am headed up there first to check it out and see what they have to offer.
I will keep you posted.

Monday, February 18, 2013


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Taking the First Step

About 4 weeks ago I found out I needed to be on a gluten free diet. For months prior I was feeling sick all of the time, low energy, nauseated, throwing up. An 8 hour day at work wore me out, cleaning our little 2 bedroom apartment wore me out, I would fall asleep at 9 o'clock every night. Pregnancy symptoms you may say... every test I took was normal. "I just have the flu" I would tell myself, and my concerned husband. Well, I had "just the flu" every few days. I started keeping a food journal, and tried to determine if it was possibly my diet that was making me sick.
I started eating crackers to help my nausea, but that seemed to make it worse. I decided to look up common food allergies and try to pin point things that I ate daily. Dairy and bread were two things I ate almost daily. I was miserable and decided to try cutting out gluten first to see if that was making me sick.

I downloaded an app on my phone called  find me gluten free I used that when my husband and I would go out to dinner. I told myself I would eat gluten free for at least one week, every meal. I did, this was very hard for me, as before my husband and I were big fast food junkies.
After one week was over I was feeling so much better, better than I had felt in months and I decided to test myself, that night I ate 2 Oreo cookies (my husbands favorite) they had been tempting me all week. About 20-30 minutes after I ate those 2 Oreo's, my stomach starting hurting so bad, I was getting nauseous again. The next morning when my alarm went off to get ready for work, I could barely get out of bed. This is how I knew that I needed to be on a gluten free diet.